Credit Purchase

Pay a deposit

Pay some money to the seller to confirm whether to buy products with sellers.

Credit Purchase

Additional Features

  • Detailed records of purchases of goods or services from a seller who has not paid
  • Able to reference a purchase order to quickly fill in the details of your product or service.
  • In case the purchase order references can adjust information and notification settings in case the purchase of goods or services exceeding the amount in the purchase order.
  • If you have paid a deposit to the seller. The system will generate notifications to be used to reduce outstandi
  • System will alert. When making a purchase exceeds the credit limit amounts
  • Able to identify the number or invoice number, invoice repeated. If there are terms in the system settings.
  • Record the purchase credit that can choose from creditors and seller.
  • To preview the document before you save, print and send the document via e-mail.
  • คัCopy the document and save it as a new document.
  • can be referenced to create other documents, including Reducing Debt receipts, billing, document preparation, dispensing and documentation payments. You can look at history for reference.
  • can cancel a document by stating the reason
  • To filter documents from the status of the payment of the debt


  • Credit purchase reporting
  • Analysis of net purchases.
  • the report analyzes concluded that purchase credit.
  • The item purchase statement report daily– monthly
  • The report compares monthly purchase amount – 12 months

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